Home » The State of Entrepreneurship in South Africa 2023

The State of Entrepreneurship in South Africa 2023

by Justin

As we enter another year of challenges in our country, we are launching a survey to identify the challenges faced by South African entrepreneurs in the current environment. By understanding the struggles faced by entrepreneurs during one of the toughest economic climates in history, we can begin creating a partnership between organisations like the Entrepreneurs Organization, local and national government to create a prosperous environment for entrepreneurs.

This survey will take 3 minutes of your time. The data generated by this survey will increase dialogue and collaboration between Entrepreneurs and Government.

Survey: https://ce8hko2pu3e.typeform.com/to/P8WbjQtt

About Us
Entrepreneurs Organization is a 16,500+ diverse business leader network from over 60 countries. We support entrepreneurs in unlocking their potential through connections, shared experiences and learning.

Survey Disclaimer
This survey is completed anonymously, and no personal information that is identifiable (linked to your name or personal identity) is collected.

Initiated by EO South Africa.

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