Home » Senior marketing specialists invited to apply for prestigious new professional designation

Senior marketing specialists invited to apply for prestigious new professional designation

by Justin

The African Marketing Confederation (AMC) has added impetus to its drive to professionalise marketing across the continent with the launch of a prestigious designation that will be awarded to senior marketers in recognition of their experience and skills.

“The launch of the Chartered Marketer (Africa) is the culmination of years of hard work by an exceptional team. This professional qualification is the first of its kind,” explains AMC president Helen McIntee. “We believe we have put together a programme of exceptional quality and academic and professional rigour. The credential of Chartered Marketer (Africa) will only be awarded to the top marketers who prove that they are among the most knowledgeable, highly-qualified and accomplished professionals on the continent. I will be delighted to welcome our first group of qualifying participants in May 2023,” she says.

The Chartered Marketer (Africa) is the first Pan-African professional marketing qualification of its kind. “It acknowledges an individual’s professional status as one of Africa’s most distinguished marketing practitioners. It validates a commitment to best marketing practices, continued self-development and a dedication to excellence in practical and academic marketing applications in Africa,” McIntee expands.

The criteria for marketing professionals to apply for the Chartered Marketer (Africa) designation include 10 years’ broad marketing experience – three years of which has been completed at a senior level. Applicants must also have a recognised marketing degree that can be authenticated by a marketing institutional authority and is also recognised by the relevant AMC member country’s national marketing body. Applicants need to hold the highest industry or professional accreditation in their own country. Current membership of an African marketing body which is a certified member of the AMC is also required. McIntee notes that alternative arrangements can be made if there is not a marketing association or institute in the applicant’s country. The application process includes the submission of a full portfolio of qualifications and experience (PQE).

There are a range of benefits for professionals holding the Chartered Marketer (Africa) designation, including exclusive access to the AMC Chartered Marketer (Africa) Alumni Club, a listing on the AMC Directory as a preferred supplier of marketing services, and exclusive access to the AMC’s job market page. Designees will receive recognition for accomplishing the highest level of professional marketing on the African continent and they may include the Chartered Marketer (Africa) designation logo on all personal branding materials, to highlight their level of marketing skills to peers and associates.

Applications for the first Chartered Marketer (Africa) programme close on 31 March 2023. For more information, marketing professionals can visit www.africanmarketingconfederation.org/chartered-marketer-africa or contact cma@africanmarketingconfederation.org

The AMC is a Pan-African body of marketing professionals that brings together the national marketing bodies and associations of numerous African countries. Members are committed to the ongoing development of the marketing profession, to ensure the highest possible standards. The Confederation provides a platform for networking opportunities, the exchange of knowledge and expertise and the continuous development of professional marketing skills.


African Marketing Confederation president Helen McIntee.

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