Home » Randgo CEO wants to empower consumers to live beyond their paycheques

Randgo CEO wants to empower consumers to live beyond their paycheques

by Tia

Kinola Pather, the newly-appointed CEO of bespoke employee rewards, loyalty and incentive programme company Randgo, is driven by a profound mission: to empower consumers, members, and employees to live beyond their paycheques through tailored incentive and loyalty rewards programmes.

Pather brings a unique blend of expertise and passion to accomplishing this mission. Her ability to leverage behavioural economic principles and trends that influence consumer spending behaviour, enable her to transform data insights into strategies that drive growth for companies across different sectors.

Her ultimate vision is to empower financial wellness for South African consumers by making the value of every Rand earned by programme members… Go further.

Kinola Pather

Pather’s passion for the consumer and employee benefits space stems from her firsthand experience of the real impact that loyalty and rewards programmes can make in consumers’ lives. Prior to joining Randgo, her three-year strategic marketing tenure at employee benefits company, NMG Benefits, provided her with invaluable insights into the state of employee value propositions and the transformative potential of loyalty programmes. Now, she is committed to leveraging the rewards industry to maximise the value of consumers’ Rands, thus driving financial wellness and empowerment for all.

Pather references the 2023/4 Truth & BrandMapp Loyalty Whitepaper on the usage of loyalty programmes, which shows they have become increasingly prevalent among South African consumers. 76% of the survey respondents utilise them in one form or another, and this trend underscores the significance of loyalty and rewards initiatives in stretching consumers’ budgets and enhancing their purchasing power.

Over the years, the whitepaper has shown that cashback is consumers’ number one loyalty benefit. For economically active consumers, cash is still king in the 2023/4 study, with the top benefits relating to cashback or points converted into cash. However, as consumers increasingly seek value and convenience, Pather sees opportunities to revolutionise the rewards industry, ensuring that Randgo remains at the forefront of innovative, customer-centric solutions across all categories of rewards.

With 16 years of operation under its belt, Randgo has become a trusted partner for some of South Africa’s largest companies, enabling them to attract, retain, and engage employees and customers through customised incentive and rewards programmes. Pather’s vision for the future of Randgo is clear: to maintain relevance, competitiveness, and leadership in the field of employee rewards, and loyalty and incentive programmes; and to build a sustainable future in which both the business and its people thrive.

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