Home » FutureGen Labs makes ground-breaking move to provide carrier screening locally in SA by announcing its status as the only ISO15189-accredited reproductive genetic laboratory in SA

FutureGen Labs makes ground-breaking move to provide carrier screening locally in SA by announcing its status as the only ISO15189-accredited reproductive genetic laboratory in SA

by Tia

FutureGen Labs is proud to announce its official status as the only ISO15189-accredited reproductive genetic laboratory that offers carrier screening locally in South Africa today. 

“Our ISO-accredited facility aims to provide affordable and advanced genetic testing services for women who have previously experienced numerous miscarriages, as well as parents going through the IVF cycle. Our specialized testing portfolio covers carrier screening for family planning. We work in collaboration with IVF specialists nationwide to test candidate embryos ready for in-vitro fertilisation” shares Quintin Goodyear, Medical Director at FutureGen Labs. 

FutureGen Laboratories, a division of the Kingfisher Medical & Kahma group, was established in January 2020 to tackle the cost and accessibility issues surrounding reproductive genetic testing services in South Africa. 

“Our goal is to provide cutting-edge genetic solutions to the South African community, ensuring both affordability and efficiency. We take pride in being the sole reproductive genetic testing lab in South Africa with SANAS ISO 15189 accreditation. Led by industry experts and fuelled by passion, we’re committed to delivering first-class genetic services to empower individuals and families” adds Adele Kazilsky, CEO at FutureGen Labs.

The company envisions a future where people are empowered to take control of their reproductive health and aims to change the lives of families, and future generations, through genetics.

“Reproductive genetic testing helps identify genetic disorders or conditions that may be passed on to your future children. Our genetic testing gives you this information, so you know – even before you conceive – what your risk is of having a child with a genetic disorder. With this information, you are provided with options related to management and family planning” concludes Goodyear.

The company’s specialised testing portfolio includes proactive carrier screening before you start a family, as well as specific testing if you’re struggling to conceive, like PGT-A, PGT-M, POC and Endometrial Receptivity Testing (ER-T).

“The tests are entirely non invasive, and simply require a saliva sample! It’s remarkable. We have worked tirelessly to make these tests affordable and accessible  for anyone looking to start a family – whether that’s today, or in years to come” argues Kazilsky.

The early detection of reproductive genetic risks is critical to reducing or limiting the risk of passing on genetic diseases to our children. 

“Our ISO-accreditation formally distinguishes our medical laboratory from other organizations, by verifying our focus on the unique demands of international healthcare” concludes Kazilsky.

This accreditation is important for medical laboratories in South Africa, as it signifies an unparalleled commitment to global standards of quality, competence, and integrity. By achieving ISO 15189 accreditation, FutureGen Labs can ensure the reliability and accuracy of their analytical work.

FutureGen Labs invites all South Africans to sign up for their genetic carrier screening test. FutureGen Labs have digitised their entire system to accelerate and simplify the procedure for its clients. 

As FutureGen Labs continues to lead the charge in reshaping South Africa’s reproductive healthcare landscape, it invites both the public and healthcare professionals alike to explore the future of genetic screening, thereby empowering people to take control of their reproductive health. For further information and to experience this innovation firsthand, please visit www.futuregenlabs.co.za.

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