by Media Xpose

Firstwatch Whisky to Reward 100 Entrepreneurs  

Opportunity open to all SMEs, start-ups, entrepreneurs and dreamers with ideas

Firstwatch Whisky has announced the launch of an initiative set to empower everyday entrepreneurs. One hundred selected entrepreneurs will win a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to participate in a certified online business course valued at R25 000 each.  The top ten will then go on to take part in a prized six-month mentorship programme. 

In our post-pandemic world, with even fewer jobs and a faltering economy, it’s even more daunting to put entrepreneurial ideas into motion. But entrepreneurs and SMEs are integral to our economy and create jobs in communities. This is an opportunity for those who want to grow their business and contribute to their communities.

Making it happen

First, you need to have a dream, and then you need to know how to turn your ideas into a successful business. Hopefully enjoying the ride doing it. Firstwatch Whisky understands that journey and what it takes to turn your visions into reality, so it is offering this incredible opportunity.  

How you can be a winner

Anyone from SMEs to start-ups and aspiring entrepreneurs can enter, but only 100 participants will be chosen. At the end of this valuable course, the 10 top students will be selected for six months of ongoing mentorship following the completion of their course – for which there can be no price tag attached.

According to Pierre van der Westhuizen, National Brand Manager of Firstwatch Whisky, “We’re thrilled to be able to offer that first step along the road for those entrepreneurs just waiting to make their mark on the business world. We know they will not just become business leaders but also invaluable in their communities.”

What makes a future entrepreneur?

“We’re looking for those who already have what it takes – a huge dose of energy, drive and passion for driving their dreams. We want people who can take their everyday skills and experience together with their current resources and networks, successes and perhaps failures, to see and reach the big picture,” continues van der Westhuizen.

What does a winner look like?

Stand in front of a mirror, and what do you see? Yourself! You or your small company are who Firstwatch Whisky is looking for – with just one thing – a belief that you can make it, whatever the odds. From catering to building to grooming and retail, whatever your dream, you must make that first move.

What you will learn

Dreams will only stay dreams if the knowledge is not there. This online course will take you through all the steps needed to turn your idea or small business into a real business opportunity. From finding your purpose to marketing, sales, finances, leadership and gaining investment, these course modules, with online and live sessions with facilitators can change your life.

Don’t wait – enter now

“Once again, we back our statement that Firstwatch Whisky rewards from every sip to entrepreneurial and community support. Don’t leave it too late; make sure you get your entry in now and stand a chance to change your life,” encourages van der Westhuizen.

To find out more about Firstwatch Whisky, visit https://firstwatchwhisky.co.za/. To enter, click here: https://bit.ly/FirstwatchCourseEntryForm.

See video link here: https://youtu.be/oI8-r10544g.

About Firstwatch Whisky:

Firstwatch Imported Whisky is an award-winning 100% blend of imported rye and cereal grain whiskies. The base whisky in the blend has been matured for at least three years and is exceptionally easy mixing, with a full rye taste.

Firstwatch Whisky has an intense golden glowing amber colour, a floral aroma with sweet fruitiness and a rich, complex wooded rye flavour. Perfectly blended to deliver reward in every sip. Firstwatch Whisky. First for Reward.

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